Trade union solicitors
Our expert trade union dispute solicitors provide you with peace of mind in the management of highly sensitive, highly charged situations.
If your organisation operates in a sector or industry where the risk of industrial action is part and parcel of what you do, there is no doubt that you're likely to need advice from an outside source in what are times of increased industrial unrest. Disputes and strikes can be costly for productivity, service delivery and reputation, causing significant financial and reputational damage in many cases.
While the Trade Union Act 2016, now in effect, makes it more difficult for unions to call strikes, one side effect is that unions are likely to become more proactive in general to achieve a more engaged membership ready to respond when the need to gain support for industrial action arises. The new law may also result in more industrial disputes ending up in the courts.
Why choose our trade union solicitors?
Weightmans' specialist team can help in a number of ways, from advising on consultations designed to avoid subsequent disputes to assisting or dealing directly on industrial relations issues, including helping to formulate strategy and negotiating with trade unions and, if necessary, litigating.
We know the Trade Union Act 2016 inside out and can give you timely, practical advice to help you negotiate your way through the complexities of industrial dispute and achieve resolution, with working relationships with your recognised Trade Unions still intact.
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