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- At Weightmans, we See the Possibility.
- Key issues to consider when a corporate insolvency involves a defined benefit pension scheme
- Section 431 elections
- The implications of the Vnuk case
- The solvency statement: reducing share capital
- Earn out: ensure that you take tax advice
- Directors' liability — tax and insolvency
- Must we continue to provide childcare vouchers to employees on maternity leave?
- Can you dismiss an employee if you provide the alcohol?
- Finding the balance — what to bear in mind when considering whether to make an admission in the RTA portal
- A right way: not as simple as from A to B
- Employees with criminal convictions: A right to work?
- TUPE: The difficulties in disease litigation
- Beware the covert recorder
- Dealing with unpaid fees — what are your debt recovery options?
- Disclosure to and by the coroner
- Q&A: Can we ban the burqa or veil in the workplace?
- The Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014 — questions, answers and unanswered questions
- Well adjusted? Disciplinary proceedings for disabled employees
- Release of corporate debt: watch out for hidden tax charges
- An introduction to the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000
- When sick staff work elsewhere
- Implying rights into a completed transfer of land
- TUPE — a special assignment — how to spot those employees who transfer, those who don’t and those who might!
- Pension loss calculations in disease claims
- Coroners' forms and investigation process explained
- Termination of a contract for repudiatory breach
- Chasing debts and harassment claims
- Assignment of rent: an effective remedy against defaulting borrowers?
- Successor Practice Rules: pitfalls and premiums
- Piercing the corporate veil
- Tax efficient extraction of surplus cash
- TUPE: who is the 'client' in a service provision change?
- What evidence should we disclose to the Coroner?
- Protection from Harassment Act 1997
- Landlord and tenant — accepting surrender and waiving right to forfeit
- Restrictive covenants: seeking remedies
- Sale of Goods contracts: Seller’s liability for subcontracts
- Root Cause Analysis Investigations — A short guide to effective report writing
- When is a commercial contract a “construction contract” and why does it matter?
- Completing the deal where signatories are unavailable
- How to deal with a term-time working request
- Section 33 — a little clarity
- Handling flexible working requests (10 top tips)
- Q&A: holiday during sickness absence
- Managing sickness absence: five top tips
- A basic guide to disclosure
- Changing workplace policies and procedures
- A business owner’s guide to post-termination restrictions
- Can we scrap our employee bonus scheme?
- How can excepted group life assurance schemes help you?
- Employee shareholders and share buybacks
- Substantial property transactions and the acquisition of non-cash assets
- What does 'living in the same household' actually mean?
- Cycle helmets and contributory negligence revisited
- Working Time Regulations: what happens when employees have multiple jobs?
- What if I don’t want my inheritance?
- What is the difference between civil partnership and equal marriage?
- Social media misconduct: can we dismiss an employee for damaging our reputation?
- Dealing with disability-related sickness absence
- Discrimination by association: opening Pandora’s Box?
- LADs and penalty clauses – important reading for all associated with the construction industry
- When absence goes AWOL
- Civil partnerships v marriage — is divorce the same?
- Disciplinary procedures and workplace stress: Is your organisation at risk of a personal injury claim?
- GDPR: what to do when a data breach occurs
- Suspending an employee: Our guide to making an informed decision
- Property ownership and cohabitants
- I am living with my partner — do I need to make a will?
- Secret recordings — can they be used in the Family Court?
- The assessment of care fees: assets you can and cannot hide
- “In the course of employment”: Vicariously liable for an employee’s wrongdoing
- Unmarried families — financial provision for children on separation
- Cohabitation: a survival guide
- What are the implications of the GDPR for the retail sector?
- Q&A: Can you refuse to hire or dismiss an employee for having tattoos?
- Relocation of equipment under old and new telecoms codes
- What is a package or unit for limitation purposes under Hague Visby Rules?
- Shareholders' agreements — sharing company ownership
- Death of a shareholder
- Group structures
- The family shareholder
- How to write a dismissal letter: 10 things to consider
- The employee shareholder
- Q&A: Can a manager covertly record an employee’s disciplinary meeting?
- Preparing your company for sale
- Dealing with sale proceeds of a business
- Planning redundancies: Top tips for dealing with employees on maternity leave
- Surviving the 'POCA freeze'
- Defining turnover rents in the age of e-commerce
- Are non-molestation orders being used fraudulently?
- TUPE: Can we remove an employee allowance following a transfer?
- Holiday Sickness: Can an employee claim back annual leave if they are unwell?
- Why it's important to get condition precedents right
- When is a document a deed?
- A sting in the tail of benefits reform: Universal Credit and the CRU
- Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act 2018: a further reason for a raft of disrepair claims
- An employer's guide to GDPR
- Unconscious bias: A hidden risk?
- TUPE: the duty to inform and consult
- Love is (not) in the air: Handling employees who refuse to work together
- Q&A: Can we deduct lottery contributions from staff pay if this takes some workers below the National Minimum Wage?
- Maternity leave: what constitutes reasonable contact with employees?
- Final written warnings: will the Employment Tribunal re-open old warnings (and do internal hearings ever have to do so)?
- How do you calculate holiday pay for staff who work irregular hours?
- Top tips for the first meeting with your family solicitor
- Detention damages
- Thirty years of the Children Act — a family lawyer reflects
- Will my spouse/civil partner automatically inherit if I die without a will?
- Helping your children to buy property
- Quasi-partnership disputes
- Stalking Protection Orders
- Claims against insolvent insureds — considerations for insurers and insurance practitioners
- Construction sector challenges: Collaboration and preparing for the future
- Is shared parenting going to become the new default in Scotland after parents separate?
- Parental alienation
- Legal innovation and technology insights
- Estate planning under an LPA
- Divorce and civil partnership dissolution — a quick guide to family law in England/Wales and Scotland
- Cohabitation — a quick guide to family law in England/Wales and Scotland
- What happens if there is a dispute about payment of nursery or school fees?
- Causing Serious Injury by Careless Driving: more drivers to face the prospect of prison sentences
- Friends and families in business — what happens when familiarity breeds contempt
- Sale and leaseback — the saviour or pitfall in raising capital?
- Families in business: what happens on relationship breakdown?
- The planning implications of micro-fulfilment centres in urban areas
- Changing the face of family law: A retrospective on some of the seminal family law decisions of the last 20 years
- Click and Collect — some key risks for retailers
- Share sale disputes
- Top ten apprenticeship myths
- Claims in relation to share purchase agreements — how to deal with warranty claims in their early stages
- Deeds of variation and deprivation of assets
- Businesses and individuals performing contracts in difficult times — force majeure and frustration
- Gender Dysphoria: How to support families in conflict over complex issues
- Share purchase agreements — issues surrounding expert determination
- Update on the outcome of the consultation about the Caldicott Principles
- ESG investing — a guide for pension scheme trustees
- Employment tribunals and remote hearings — avoiding embarrassing profile pictures and other top tips
- Fraud scam identified in respect of judgment enforcements
- Business valuations on divorce
- The future of construction: opportunities and challenges
- The Whiplash Reforms
- Data theft — beware of departing employees
- Gifts between unmarried couples — guarding against unexpected tax consequences
- Vulnerable Road Users and the whiplash reforms
- How to respond to a cybersecurity incident
- The position of Local Authorities — Human Rights Act challenges on environmental grounds
- The role of CAFCASS within private Children Act proceedings
- The accidental partnership
- Domestic abuse and child arrangements: a move forward on a long journey
- How bulletproof is your business?
- Public Sector Pensions on Divorce: A complex issue complicated further by the McCloud judgment
- When can a partner forfeit their partnership share?
- Private prosecutions — the future?
- What happens to cryptocurrency when I die?
- Motor Vehicles (Compulsory Insurance) Bill
- Unexplained Wealth Orders — what are they and how do they work?
- Travelling abroad with children
- A quick guide to children law in England & Wales and Scotland — Part 1 — Parental responsibility
- Digital divorce — what is it and is it here to stay?
- A quick guide to children law in England & Wales and Scotland — part 2 — Court process for children hearings
- The effective management of disputes and maximising charitable legacy income
- A quick guide to children law in England & Wales and Scotland — Part 3 — moving children across the border
- Five top tips on preventing the non-return of children after holidays
- Please don’t let me be misunderstood — The Approved Building Inspector
- Retail Innovation — Ethical use of personal data
- Pre-Pack Reforms — Sales to connected parties — Time to evaluate
- The Fire Safety Act 2021
- I think my child has been abducted — what should I do?
- I have been accused of abducting our child — what should I do?
- The Natural Capital agenda
- Insider cyber threats — recognising the risk
- Equal rights for all — it’s been a long time coming…
- Focus on energy storage
- Health and Safety Executive to enforce head injuries in sport?
- Trust disputes — what, why and who?
- A guide to the most common types of Contentious Probate Disputes
- Funeral disputes — what steps should be taken?
- Donatio mortis causa (death bed gifts) — a doctrine validating gifts by the back door?
- Establishing fraudulent calumny — has the mind of the testator been ‘poisoned’?
- Creating a charitable trust
- Britney Spears and capacity: how would her situation be addressed if she were based in England?
- Conversion of civil partnership to a marriage in England and Wales
- Contracts for Difference — the future for onshore solar and wind?
- Revised Energy National Policy Statements — a boost for large-scale solar PV
- What is cryptocurrency?
- Recruiting and retaining key personnel
- How to avoid a partial intestacy: lessons from Big Brother
- Cryptoassets in relationship breakdowns
- Navigating smart contract and cryptocurrency disputes — the key considerations from a litigator’s perspective
- Age discrimination: Can we set a mandatory retirement age for our staff?
- Post six year run-off cover
- Working remotely abroad for a UK company.
- Green warehousing
- Ten top tips to consider when separating
- Evaluating Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors in public procurement
- Franchising — dealing with data breaches
- Construction insurance claims and supply chain issues
- Alternative dispute resolution in family law
- The regulation of hydrogen — what will it look like?
- Lifetime gifts – allowances to consider
- An update on family groups in England and Wales and how the law applies to them
- What is parental responsibility, who has it and how to get it if you don’t have it
- Greenwashing — commercial and regulatory considerations for directors and insurers
- Family mediation voucher scheme
- Tom Reeves: My apprenticeship experience
- The growth of sports data
- What is Schedule 1 Children Act 1989? Your questions answered
- Combatting modern slavery
- What is integrated (lawyer inclusive) mediation and hybrid mediation?
- Broken promises — how IT projects can lead to disputes all too often
- Violence against women and girls — protecting victims from abuse
- Divorce: All in the past?
- Why do I need a cohabitation agreement? The position in Scotland
- How can you improve your energy security?
- Weather the storm — drones for damage assessment
- Blended and stepfamilies — parenting apart
- Who is a legal parent and who has parental responsibility?
- How to respond to police requests for patient records
- When is the ‘effective date of termination’?
- The use of CCTV in care homes — The legal issues
- How bad does behaviour have to be in order to obtain a non-molestation order?
- Continence waste
- Partnership agreements for medical practitioners
- Amending the Mental Health Act
- How to buy a business
- How to sell your business
- Challenging the media on coverage of a personal nature
- A guide to fitness to practise investigations
- Fitness to practise — what is current impairment?
- Pitfalls with GP premises leases
- How to handle the residence nil rate band
- Is veganism a protected characteristic under the Equality Act?
- Adverse possession
- Is fire and re-hire legal?
- Does the ACAS code apply to all dismissals?
- Spotting a ‘closed culture’ — CQC inspections
- Subject access requests and health records
- Can the CQC demand that providers produce information to them?
- Next of kin and nearest relative: what’s the difference?
- The pitfalls of annual renewal for dentists and DCPs
- Who pays the costs of divorce and related financial proceedings?
- Commercial property and VAT: What to consider
- Do I have to declare my conviction/caution?
- What is a GMC Rule 7 letter?
- The opening gambit: your communication strategy
- Ethical principles to underpin decisions in adult social care
- CQC notices of proposal: how to respond
- How can the nearest relative request discharge?
- Solicitors left in limbo
- GDPR in the health and social care sector
- Shaggy dog stories — Allowing pets in leasehold properties
- Diplomatic immunity and the Mental Health Act
- GDPR — Lawful grounds for processing data
- Police investigations — the uncertainty of RUI
- A first-time buyer's guide to conveyancing
- Mediation for property disputes between unmarried couples
- The challenges male victims face as victims of crimes considered under the term violence against women and girls
- B Corporations — A sign of your company’s purpose in an ESG-focused world
- Disputes on death: What are the options?
- Charitable and philanthropic giving — creating a sustainable global future
- Closing the technology skills gap with overseas talent
- The new UK scale-up visa
- Turning the tide against vexatious litigants
- Evolving family units: understanding your legal position
- Why it is advisable to obtain professional legal advice when dealing with estate administration?
- Relationship breakdown following IVF
- Global Business Mobility Visas and the end of intra-company routes
- The Procurement Bill: a new UK public procurement landscape
- A new draft MCA code of practice
- Unfair dismissal: Must a finding of discrimination always make dismissal unfair?
- Right to Work checks: 10 top tips
- What to consider when making a lasting power of attorney
- Dealing with complaints of sexual harassment — A five step approach
- Anti-social behaviour legislation and the power of getting closure
- Ten mistakes to avoid when preparing a Will
- Demystifying disciplinary procedures in GP practices
- Bridge strikes, Public Inquiries and the Traffic Commissioner
- The Great Resignation
- A stitch in time: recovering distressed IT projects
- Electric vehicles and hybrid electric vehicles safety considerations
- Statutory books and records — they won’t float your boat, but don’t let them sink it!
- Parental responsibility: when court and classroom meet
- Public inquiries, preliminary hearings, senior team leader meetings, and driver conduct hearings
- Advice for GPs — How to avoid an employment tribunal claim against your practice
- Health and safety prosecutions
- Funding your child's further education
- Mediation in complex children cases
- Corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs) — The benefits and challenges
- What is greenwashing?
- Is net zero enough?
- Stressful business
- Building costs inflation — Part one: challenging times for property damage insurers
- Rising inflation and existing spousal and child maintenance orders
- What are the risks in being a director of a company that holds a transport operator's licence?
- Commercial Agents (Council Directive) Regulations 1993 — rules for principals and agents
- How does the ESG agenda align with charitable donations and trusts?
- Mediation and domestic abuse
- The current law on cohabitation in Scotland and England and proposed reforms to the law both sides of the border
- How do you change a child’s name?
- Terminating a contract? Look before you leap…
- High Potential Individual Visa — your questions answered
- Riding the mean streets
- Finding the balance — public law duties in private prosecutions
- Lifetime planning tips for dealing with digital assets
- Getting the safety net in place: addressing the risks of falls from height in the workplace
- Improving supply contract management
- David’s story — The importance of making a lasting power of attorney
- Child arrangements orders in England and Wales — what are they and what is involved?
- Director of a business in financial difficulty?
- High fat, sugar and salt: HFSS Legislation
- Cohabitation agreements: steps you should consider when living together as an unmarried couple
- Are you sure that this claim is proceeding in the DCP?
- Forklift trucks – Warehousing - Spotlight on workplace transport safety
- Employer’s guide to navigating HR issues that arise during the festive period
- Liquidated damages: friend or foe?
- An overview on group reorganisations and restructures
- An e-bike or not an e-bike? That is the question
- Health and safety in the supply chain structure
- How to respond to reference requests (10 tips)
- Presumption of death — what do I do if a loved one has been missing for a long time?
- Tired of being kept in the dark? Defendants' pre-action applications for disclosure
- Prenuptial and postnuptial agreements — protecting wealth on divorce and dissolution in England & Wales and overseas
- The Building Safety Act 2022: What about the insurance implications?
- Ten reasons why Weightmans is a top ten employer
- Risk, resilience and adaptability — economic challenges
- Prevention of Future Deaths (PFD) reports
- Does language matter in the family court?
- Restructuring your business | What to consider
- Sole director companies — be careful as you go it alone
- Limitation under the Defective Premises Act is now up to 30 years – understanding and mitigating the risks posed
- Risk, resilience and adaptability — funding and growth
- Notification of offences to the Traffic Commissioner
- Debt restructuring
- Death in service benefits: doing the right thing
- Types of demergers
- Probate disputes are rising: we explain why
- More obligations for care home operators to provide information
- How to deal with a problematic personal representative
- Acting as a Court of Protection deputy or attorney under a Power of Attorney: making gifts on behalf of someone else
- Section 110 Insolvency Act 1986 reconstruction
- Influencers and the Law
- Supporting staff through baby loss — legal and practical guidance
- What is a fact finding hearing?
- Harassment in the workplace — a growing issue for employers
- Build safe, stay safe: The Building Safety Act and dutyholder obligations
- Women, relationship breakdown and the risk of pension poverty
- Losing the Will
- Ownership and copyright issues online
- A guide to property and financial affairs Lasting Powers of Attorney
- Capital reduction demergers
- The importance of effective supervision
- Franchise agreement — exit considerations
- What is an occupation order?
- Martyn’s Law and the current alcohol licensing regime
- No fault divorce: the first anniversary — where are we now?
- Industrial action: a beginner’s briefing
- Top 10 innovation tips for making cybersecurity a strategic asset
- Top 10 things to consider when using Artificial Intelligence
- Battle of the forms — will the “last shot” doctrine always prevail?
- A complete guide to Form E
- Risk assessment in the field of mental health
- Divorcing a narcissist
- 10 tips to undertake a fair workplace investigation
- Product liability in the UK and the EU: Where are we now and where are we going?
- Family loans — how are they treated upon divorce or dissolution?
- Deeds of variation — a quick guide
- Middle Eastern tax and estate planning: focus on the United Arab Emirates, Dubai (and the DIFC)
- See the Possibility
- Claims defensibility — data analysis underlines the importance of documentation
- The positive effect of public inquiries
- Wardship and inherent jurisdiction: children law issues in England and Wales
- Diagnosis of sepsis: AI to reduce risk?
- Asbestos and You
- Franchising — best practice examples from recent cases
- The rise and fall of ghost broking
- Pension Sharing: the differences between England & Wales and Scotland
- Enable — a practical guide to litigation funding
- Patient and staff safety within the mental health setting
- Finances on divorce or dissolution: when do I need to issue a Form A and what happens next? Q&A
- With friends like these…? A guide to McKenzie Friends
- Commercial Property MEES changes
- What is a financial consent order and why do I need one?
- Same sex marriage: a decade on
- Why are pensions ruining my (HR) life?
- Pension sharing on divorce/dissolution in England and Wales
- Self-Invested Personal Pensions (SIPPS): Important considerations for pension sharing on divorce/dissolution
- Marriage and civil partnerships for non-binary people
- Disclosing a child’s whereabouts — England and Wales
- Succession S4 — a cautionary tale for business owners (spoilers)
- “It’s too hot to work!” — health and safety obligations in extreme summer heat
- A comprehensive guide to indefinite leave to remain
- Don’t let your operator’s licence be the first casualty of a restructuring or administration
- Enforcement of overseas financial orders
- Changes to the taxation of death in service schemes
- Sexual harassment in the workplace
- Subject Access Requests (SAR) — new guidance
- Statutory legacies: what’s mine is yours… but only if there is a will
- Addressing violence in the workplace
- The relentless healthcare AI rollout continues; whose fault is it anyway?
- Powers of restraint
- Motor indemnity issues — challenge or opportunity?
- Recognition and enforcement of overseas orders — children
- How to end a civil partnership by dissolution
- The Strikes (Minimum Service Level) 2023 — striking a balance for safe services, or not?
- What are the differences between co-parenting and parallel parenting?
- How family investment companies are taxed
- Can I change a child arrangements order?
- What is the difference between a Conditional Order and a Final Order?
- Establishing a beneficial interest in property: why property rights do not end with the legal title
- Partnership deadlock — the death of a business
- What is a non-molestation order?
- The Shift to Early Inheritance Gifting
- Financial settlements arising on dissolution of a Civil Partnership
- Enable — Overcoming third party litigation funding myths
- What is a C100 form and when do I need one?
- Suicide — a taboo subject in the workplace?
- Entitlement to statutory interest on costs
- What are limitation periods under UK Law?
- E-scooters — should helmets be compulsory?
- Taking of Evidence in Civil and Commercial Matters under the Hague Convention
- Claims against drivers who suffer stroke/heart attack causing death or injury to others
- Are injury compensations subject to taxation in Spain?
- What are peritos médicos judiciales (forensic medical experts) in Spain?
- Who is a ‘victim’ under French law?
- The French Conseil d’Etat authorises the development of an algorithm for the assessment of damages in personal injury cases
- Interest on general damages and special damages
- Assessment of damages under Spanish Law
- Step-parents and the breakdown of a family
- No shortcuts: health and safety in the transport workplace
- A quick guide to inheritance tax
- The Laws and Rules Around Leaving an Abusive Relationship
- Restrictive covenants — everything you need to know
- The Laws and Rules Around Leaving an Abusive Relationship in Scotland
- Incident Primer: pre-briefing the board at the start of a major incident
- Breaking cryptography: quantum computing claim a myth or fact?
- Unpacking Contractors’ All Risk Insurance
- Can visitors work in the UK without a visa?
- Financial Infidelity Across the UK: Nearly 1 in 10 Brits Have Over £1,000 Hidden in Secret Savings From Their Partners
- Expatriate Family Checklist: Moving back to England or Wales
- Investigating the link between healthcare investigations and public inquiries
- Understanding Section 25 Notices
- Are the objectives of the Hackitt report being realised?
- How to guide: Being called to give evidence at an inquest
- Prohibited Steps Orders: What are they?
- Specific Issue Orders: what are they?
- Reverse indemnities: A pragmatic solution to the conundrum of statutory funding and double recovery
- Interim removal of children from their parents’ care — legal test re-enforced
- Are your operating centres putting your business at risk from the Traffic Commissioner?
- Choosing child’s school: how to present a strong case if parents do not see eye to eye
- Putting a price on justice: how the courts value non-monetary claims within the FRC regime
- Health and safety obligations in cold weather working
- Practical considerations in pursuing a claim against an uninsured company in liquidation
- Estate Administration — Reporting Requirements to HMRC
- Can I move away with my child? Child relocation as a single parent in England and Wales
- Should you take equity in your law firm?
- Ten tips to improve your debt recovery process in 2024
- Property ownership and LGBT cohabitants
- Avoiding and managing cashflow risks
- A guide to non-compete clauses
- What is a caveat on a will?
- Litigation funding for corporate disputes
- Platonic co-parenting
- Is marriage ‘worth it’?
- Grandparents' rights and family breakdown: What you need to know
- What is proprietary estoppel?
- In the eye of a DSAR storm — Data Subject Access Requests in Consumer Activism
- What to consider if you have not resolved your finances from a previous marriage and are thinking of remarriage
- Contacted by a public inquiry — what should you consider
- Deciphering evolving ESG risks for the insurance industry
- What are the financial implications of remarrying on a divorce or dissolution settlement?
- Hybrid working — good or bad for business?
- Should insurers attend a mediation?
- Cohabitation agreements in Scotland: a guide for Scottish couples living together
- Financial settlements on divorce or dissolution: Issues to consider before getting remarried
- Top tips for intended parents to consider when planning to have a baby via a surrogate
- International marriages — is your destination wedding valid and other international marriage considerations
- Placing children with family members abroad
- Why LGBTQIA+ cohabitants should consider making a Will
- Sharenting — should you post pictures of your children on social media?
- What rights does a common law partner have?
- Debunking family law myths
- Why the date you separated is important for a Scottish family law dispute
- Family law in Scotland: what are parental rights and responsibilities and who has them?
- What are the alternatives to a parental order?
- Parental responsibility before a child is born
- A guide to financial remedy proceedings
- Unlocking the benefits of business relief
- Things to consider when having children together as cohabitees
- A quick guide to cohabitation law in Scotland
- Diversity and inclusion (D&I) in the financial services and insurance sectors — the case for regulatory intervention
- Can I enforce a family court costs order made in England and Wales?
- Funding legal fees during a divorce
- What is a financial order on divorce and dissolution?
- How to deal with a UK pension after an overseas divorce
- Overseas pensions: Important considerations for pension sharing on divorce/dissolution in England and Wales
- Is it possible to prevent someone seeing a child?
- Diversity and inclusion (D&I) in the financial services and insurance sectors — non-financial misconduct
- Predatory marriage — what is it?
- Allocation to track
- Assignment to complexity bands
- Diversity and inclusion in the financial services and insurance sectors — implementing key initiatives
- Psychosocial risk and protecting mental health in the workplace — the new health and safety frontier
- Financial settlements arising on divorce — a quick guide to family law in England/Wales and Scotland
- NHS Leadership Competency Framework for Board Members
- Enforcement, contempt and committal proceedings in children cases
- I want my child back — court orders authorising the taking charge and delivery of a child
- International adoption: adopting a child from overseas in England or Wales
- TOLATA — A guide to disputes between the co-owners of properties
- DNA tests and declarations of parentage
- Adopting a child in England or Wales
- A Guide to Section 11 Orders: Children Orders in the Scottish Courts
- Divorce for influencers
- International child relocation: should I stay, or should I go?
- A guide to skilled worker visas
- Is the Responsible Person an actual person? — and five more important fire safety questions answered
- Getting cyber incident response right: the human element
- Driving change from public inquiries: the challenges and solutions to implementing learning
- A guide to heads of terms
- A guide to adoption in Scotland
- Do I need a cohabitation agreement in Scotland?
- What does “self-help” mean in divorce proceedings and is it a good idea?
- How to divide assets in a divorce
- What is cohabitation or ‘living together’ and why is it important?
- The legal differences between marriage and living together or cohabitation
- Managing parallel proceedings — tactical decisions involving disclosure
- Pensions and Salary Sacrifice for lower-paid workers — is it time to look again?
- What is an annulment compared to a divorce?
- What is an executor and what are their duties?
- Cyber risk in the health sector
- Prison Healthcare: ACCT
- How can care managers navigate new immigration rules?
- Traffic Commissioner Preliminary Hearings — what is the risk to your business?
- What is narcissism, abuse and coercive control, and what do I need to know?
- How to start a separation — frequently asked questions
- Impacts of the new Labour Government on UK Immigration
- Who keeps the family pet if a relationship breaks down?
- Divorce and Dissolution – Frequently Asked Questions
- How to resolve a family law dispute — what are the options?
- Managing realised project challenges
- Moving in together: checklist
- A guide to goods vehicle operators’ licences
- MIAM: Mediation Information and Assessment Meetings
- How to get divorced in Scotland
- Is there still a Blame Game? What’s the point of no-fault divorce if bad behaviour is still being alleged?
- International families — family law in a nutshell
- Navigating change: strategies for introducing new technology in law firms
- Who can consent to the medical treatment of a child and how important is Parental Responsibility?
- Who is the Traffic Commissioner and what powers do they have?
- What is a Standing Search?
- Understanding DVSA roadside checks and investigations
- Solicitors in Partnership: Three Mistakes that Lawyers make in relation to their own firms…
- What is the DVSA and what do they do?
- Changing your name after a divorce or dissolution
- What constitutes conduct in financial remedy proceedings?
- An employer’s guide to immigration routes
Employment Insights Pod
- A 'bonfire of red tape' — What does the revised 'mini-budget' mean for employers?
- Deep dive into industrial action and the 'winter of discontent'
- Flexible working: here to stay
- Partnership disputes and employment law
- Workers (Predictable Terms and Conditions) Act 2023
- Mental Health in the Workplace
- Time limitations on employee holiday pay deductions
- 2023/24 Round up
- Key employment law changes
- Discrimination case law update (disability / philosophical belief)
- Employment Insights – General election special!
- How to handle criminal investigations and potential dismissals
Law behind the headlines
- The Morse & Holmes podcast | High risk claims from litigants in person and trustworthy professionals
- Podcast: Silent cyber
- Podcast: Law behind the headlines — Asbestos in public buildings
- Podcast: Law behind the headlines - PFAS — the chemicals which refuse to degrade
- Podcast: Law behind the headlines - The Wagatha Christie saga — Litigation lessons
- Podcast: Law behind the headlines - The Wagatha Christie saga — Part two: Judgment day
- Podcast: Law behind the headlines - Will my ham sandwich kill me?
- Podcast: Law behind the headlines - Johnson & Johnson talc litigation in the UK
- Podcast: Law behind the headlines - Japanese Knotweed — The Alien shrub that cannot be stopped?
- Podcast: Law behind the headlines — Elon Musk’s Twitter and UK employment law
- Out of the frying pan and into the fire — ESG and business interruption in 2022
- Podcast: Law behind the headlines - Rising damp
- Podcast - Law behind the headlines - Grenfell’s Legacy: The emerging risk of firefighters’ personal injury litigation
- Podcast: Let's talk Motor — The Highway Code changes of 2022 — in force for a year, but has anyone noticed?
- Podcast: Let's talk Motor — The Whiplash Reforms – 2 years in
- Podcast: Let's Talk Motor - Automated driving — a discussion on progress and challenges
- Podcast: The Morse & Holmes Podcast - The evolution of motor claims fraud
- Podcast: Lets Talk Motor — Let’s Go Electric — EVs and ESG
- The Morse & Holmes podcast | Episode 2 – Fraud past, present and future
- Children and Relationship Breakdown Podcast
- Energy Insights Pod
- Safety Season Podcast
Employment Insights Pod
- News and press
- Frequently asked questions
- Build your dream career with us
- Overview of discrimination
- Leeds International Festival of Ideas 2024
- Medical law update
- Police misconduct
- How to cope with complex dismissals
- MCA and DOL issues for ICBs
- Hurdling to net zero: Overcoming the obstacles to renewable deployment and investment
- Blue light and mental health forum
- How to prepare for an employment tribunal hearing
- Awaab's Law and the impact on social housing
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