Our full-service expertise includes:
- Mental health and mental capacity, including applications to the Court of Protection for deprivation of liberty in the community (as a fixed fee product) and dealing with s21A challenges to DoLS authorisations.
- Public law, consultation, public inquiries and judicial review
- Governance and constitutional issues, including joint commissioning / s75 agreements with local authorities
- Primary care
- Service reconfiguration and transformation
- Procurement and commercial contracts
- Continuing healthcare eligibility and challenges (adults and children)
- Individual funding requests
- MHA s117 funding disputes
- Responsible commissioner / ordinary residence disputes
- Confidentiality / data security / information governance
- Disputes over discharge
- Duty of Candour
- Complaints
- Safeguarding
- Consent to medical treatment / best interests decisions, both for adults and children
- Mediation to avoid / resolve disputes over clinical care
- Employment, Pensions, Immigration and HR
- Real estate
- Commercial and corporate, including intellectual property.
Our ICB clients benefit from our health and care team working closely alongside our market-leading local authority and government practice, especially in a time of movement towards greater integration across health and social care.