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Mock Traffic Commissioner’s Public Inquiry

Being called to a Traffic Commissioner’s Public Inquiry is an extremely serious matter for any business. The Traffic Commissioner has the power to revoke, suspend or curtail your fleet and even to sanction individual directors and transport managers. It very often takes the experience of going through Inquiry proceedings to fully appreciate the true scope and extent of the regulatory duties on an operator and transport management team.

Our innovative Mock Public Inquiry offering has been designed from the ground up to put your transport team through a simulated Traffic Commissioner’s Public Inquiry in a safe and engaging environment. Key members of your team will participate as witnesses, with parties represented by Weightmans transport team, and presided over by a barrister as our Traffic Commissioner.

Our Mock Inquiry has been designed to:

  • Deliver a genuinely interactive, challenging and engaging learning experience.
  • Focus the minds of your team on those areas of transport compliance risk that put your business most at risk.
  • Provide you with the confidence that, should your business ever be called to a real hearing, all parties know what to expect and are prepared.
  • Allow you, if desired, to demonstrate to your customers and to the regulator that your business prioritises transport and operator licensing compliance.
  • Be an interactive, memorable and meaningful learning experience, involving role play, presentation, Q&A and a bespoke evidence pack with witness statements and other materials.
  • Offer your team the opportunity to ask questions, explore concerns and share professional experiences.

What makes our Mock Public Inquiry unique?

At Weightmans we work closely with you to build a bespoke training package from the ground up. By tailoring the session to your business, we will create scenarios around topics that you are interested in or that may have already affected your business. You can also decide the length, format and location of the session.

Our transport regulatory team is comprised of specialist lawyers who specialise in this area and who regularly represent operators and transport managers at Traffic Commissioner hearings nationwide and so are uniquely placed deliver this training.

Weightmans is a top 40 law firm with the strength and depth to assist with additional areas of law such as employment, health and safety, motor defence and Inquests. We can also include speakers from additional practice areas on request.   

What do you need to do?

Speak to one of our team today to find out more about our Mock Public Inquiry training package.

This is the first step in keeping your business safe!

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